Dr Glossy Sabharwal was invited as an expert panellist on Fetal Anomalies
Dr Glossy Sabharwal was invited as an expert panellist on Fetal Anomalies beyond 20 weeks with Stalwarts in Gynaecology Imaging at POGS FOGSI Conference Pune on May 19, 2019. Learning through Teaching & Sharing Knowledge is what we believe in at #WISHDiagnostics. Here is a collage of the conference.
#VasantVihar #Diagnostic#DiscoverDiagnoseDefend #Radiologist
Dr. Glossy Sabharwal - MD in Radiology, is an internationally qualified doctor and has been elected twice as the executive member of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association in 2015 and 2016. She also served as the joint secretary of the association for 2 consecutive years.